
Sunday 16 December 2012

The Very Last Word on Dylan's Typewriter: it's a Royal Caravan

*No sooner had I posted this than another Royal Caravan popped up on eBay in the US, in Dayton, Ohio, with a starting price of $20. It looks to be in good condition, too. But I couldn't have waited any longer to settle this argument.
No more Dylan typewriter posts after this, I promise ...


  1. Good detective work, Inspector Messenger! I'll update my list.

    "Column clear" means tab clear, and "magic column set" means tab set -- not Magic Margin, since this model has conventional margin settings, as you pointed out.

  2. Royal used the phrase "Magic" more often than they really should have. I argue it was those Madison Avenue types. Great detective work. All Dylan's Typewriters by Beland and Messenger

  3. Thank you Richard and Ryan. Yes, I am glad we can put this debate to rest.


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