
Friday 25 May 2012

Typewriter Treasures Galore: Tomorrow's Cologne Auction

OK, so here’s the thing. Bill Gates suddenly decides out of the goodness of his boundlessly generous heart to put $10 million in my bank account overnight, I fly to Cologne in the morning and get there by 11.30 sharp, in time for Uwe Breker’s 120th specialist auction in 25 years. I buy every one of the 80 typewriters that come up for sale.
“Tell him he’s dreamin’,” as they say in that classic Aussie movie The Castle.
Well, yes, I will be dreaming tonight – of all these beautiful typewriters going up for sale tomorrow.
You will be, too, once you’ve feasted your eyes on this little lot.
The 1882 Hammonia is expected to fetch 10,000-15,000 euro, which, depending on how Greece and Spain are going in the morning, is somewhere between $12,600-$19,000. The 1911 Olivetti M1 is expected to fetch 5000-8000 euro, and the 1947 Keaton music typewriter 1500-2500 euro. The 1879 Crandall is expected to fetch 6000-8000 euro and the 1906 Crandall Visible No 4 2500-3500 euro.
Some of the rest are within my price range, with or without Bill's overnight help. And gee whiz, I already have a few of these.
Now ...  where's that damned private jet parked?


  1. Mmmm ... yummy.

    I know some people who will be at the auction, and will be meeting them in Rome pretty soon. Maybe I'll get to see some of their prizes.

  2. I hear Bono picked up a clean billion or so from the Facebook IPO. maybe you could get him to grant you a couple million "In the Name Of Love"?

  3. Hey, I see they've got an Oliver there. Looks like a no. 2. Would you pick that one up for me? (Yeah, right, I can hear you now, "in your dreams!")

  4. No worries, Martin. It'd be a pleasure to pick it up and drop it off to you on my way home. Will lighten my load!
    PS: Ted, Bono passed on his regards and said, "Begorrah! Ted said that? Sure and bejazus!" Or some such thing ... So thanks for the tip-off.


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