
Sunday 25 November 2012

Blick 4 Found in Philadelphia Attic!

A Philadelphia gentleman, Matthew D.Emerson, while going through his Grandmother's attic, has uncovered a Blickensderfer No 4 typewriter in excellent condition and in its original box.  What a fantastic find! 
Note the two-line typewheel and the lack of a caps key. I think the far left key simply says "Shift". It would seem it is a caps and figures/symbols only typewriter. No doubt, like a "mill" typewriter, to be used in post offices and/or telegraph offices.
One of Mr Emerson's family members once owned a bank, which might offer a clue here.
Please contact me with any information you might care to share about this exceedingly rare model, and I will pass it on to the very proud owner. Mr Emerson has already received many offers for the Blick 4, but is in no hurry to sell it.


  1. Ohhhhhh.....

    Magnificent find! What a score...

  2. What a sensational discovery!!

  3. Info on the Blick 4 is given in The Typewriter Sketchbook. The relevant page can be seen as preview here.

  4. Oh, I see - this is only the 3rd Blick 4 to be discovered. Now I'm impressed, too.

  5. Hello everyone,

    I am the finder of the Blickensderfer No. 4, which from all my research has shown to be the third discovered (as Mashchinengeschrieben said). This is a very exciting find; we couldn't have been more surprised to find such a rare object up there! It is in great shape, we have taken many photos, which I would be happy to share for posterity. The serial number is 9104. We are considering selling the typewriter; I would love for it to go to someone who truly loves these rarities, rather than put it up to an auction house. All proceeds will go towards our grandmother, whose house we were cleaning out. Should anyone like to discuss this further privately, please send me an email. The typewriter is currently in a safety deposit box in New York.

    Thank you for your interest!



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