
Saturday 23 February 2013

Wedding Olivetti: Priscilla, Queen of the Typewriters

Ella is getting married next year, and she is keen for Priscilla here to play an important part in the big event. Priscilla has had a chequered life, including spending time in jail. Now is her chance for redemption.
When Ella asked me this week about using a typewriter at her wedding, I put my thinking cap on and pretty soon Priscilla jumped into my thoughts. I sent images of Priscilla to Ella, who thinks she is absolutely beautiful. What's more, apparently, Priscilla fits right in with the wedding colours. Go Priscilla! Your time has come!
I have lost track of how long I have owned this Olivetti Studio 44, but it has to be a good 10 years. I can't recall how I acquired it, but I do know its condition on arrival meant a complete restoration  job. So pleased it still looks so good and works so well.
After I received Ella's email, I dug Priscilla out of storage, dusted her off a little, and thought I might as well post on her while she's free from captivity.


  1. I wish them all good luck. But this colour really hurts my eyes.

  2. I only hope that isn't a factory color! :D

    May the bride and groom florish as well as a typewriter in your care!

  3. I love the color. Nice counterpart to my chromed Studio 44!

  4. Thank you, there are among you men of style, class and distinction!


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