
Monday 27 January 2014

James B. Hammond's Last Trip

Since he's a typewriter history hero of my great friend Richard Polt, and since Typewriter Topics saw fit to run it more than three years after James Bartlett Hammond ("one of the first and last contributors to the typewriter world") had died, here is the Topics' story of Hammond's Last Trip:
The story does not mention it, but is that a Panhard-Levassor, do you think? I think it is - at least that's what Hammond owned:
Nothing to do with the above (apart from the fact that it is about a Hammond typewriter), but I love this story. I love all typewriter survival stories:

1 comment:

  1. Love it!

    I'm impressed by the formal suits these gentlemen wore in the Florida humidity and heat, and I'm glad to learn that Hammond's dog was named Pinkey.


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