
Friday, 21 February 2014

Robotron Erika S2020 Electric Typewriter

The carriage is almost identical to the Olivetti Lettera 36.


  1. A long time ago I remember seeing somewhere something that looked very much like a Lettera 36 (same colors and everything) but was made in East Germany. Unfortunately the ribbon cover was missing which didn't help in IDing it.

  2. Well, this answers that question. It actually was a Lettera 36. I'm curious how the manufacturing of this was arranged!

  3. Yes, you're right Nick. Made in East Germany!!! Well, well, well ... we live and learn! You'd have thought Olivetti went behind the Iron Curtain?

  4. Hello, I know, ten years later ... but I have the same problem with this lift-off band, no manual and I don't know exactly how it should run along the machine. Can somebody still remember or has a manual for this one? Thanks


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