
Tuesday 18 March 2014

Blue Skies, Nothing But Blue Skies Do I See

Why typewriting is the best of remedies ...
*Apologies to Steven Kuterescz, I forgot to mention your comment as well!


  1. Robert, I can understand your situation completely. I hope you always feel supported by your fellow bloggers, as we respect you immensely. Best of luck.
    Oh, and I reckon they'll add a new dial so that it can keep counting past the 1mill.
    But keep on writing in some way or another! You do your best work behind the keyboard.

  2. Robert, I think I speak for the typosphere as a whole when I say that you are one of the pillars that keep the community united, informed, amused, educated and interested. You've managed to put together a truly wonderful blog, and the likes of me have learned a lot about typewriters and other subjects by reading your posts. I really thank you for that!

    You're one of the notables of the Typosphere, and you've earned that recognition with your hard work and fantastic dedication and devotion. You, sir, are a fantastic writer!

    P.S. regarding the counter, something tells me it will continue clocking the pageviews. It will only need a little more space in your blog layout.

  3. I wish you best of luck in the future.

    The information you've put together has been vitally important to the typosphere, and as a blog is hardly a permanent format, I think it would be a good idea to try to preserve it's contents offline, whether it be in file or on paper. I'm not sure how to go about that, though. Just a thought.

    On a personal note, your posts about German typewriters that you purchased on really helped open a new world of wonderful machines that I would have not realized was possible, in the US.

  4. Maybe the counter goes to 999,999 and a half, and then three quarters and on, in infinitely reducing fractions?

    I doubt I have caught more than half of what you have laid down as blog posts - I just run out of time and energy long before you do - but it has been excellent stuff to learn from and I can't think of anyone who isn't impressed by the rigorous research and the unfolding narratives of this and that.

    So, in the post-1,000,000 oz.typewriter era, I hope you remember your patients with doses to readers regular and often.

    Damn! You've got me whistling "Blue Skies" now.

  5. This blog has been an invaluable resource to those, like me, who are fascinated with these wonderous machines, but whose curiosity about them outruns their knowledge. Time and again, I learn fascinating aspects of the history of typewriters that could be found nowhere else. The work you have done here has been impressive, and appreciated.

    As you continue life's path, in whatever direction it takes you, keep in mind with deep satisfaction the impact you have made in the Typosphere. We who have benefitted from all your hard work owe you our gratitude, and send you best wishes for whatever may follow.

  6. Robert, Congratulations on the million views! Fantastic!

    I think you will always find support from fellow typosphereians whether or not you are posting as much as you do.

    I am always amazed at what you post, the accuracy of the content and the way you find all the wonderful historic information.

    Your psots have helped me in many ways especially typewirters, but in other ways also. Like I have a friend in Australia.

    I could relate quite closely to your post yesterday as I too often just wanted to wander off someplace and never return to where I started.

    Sometimes here I want to go the beach, admire the sunrise and walk into the ocean. But there is life and it is for us to live.

    Today I can see your point. Blogging is fun, relaxing and thearapudic. It is one of the many enjoyable things in ones life.

    Locally I trust you have friends and family and your speaking group. I enjoy your posts and write what you can when you can.

    Great looking typewriter and the scenery is beautiful.

    Best wishes Robert and I hope the counter goes one million more.

  7. Dear Robert,
    Thanks for all that you have written and done -- that 1 million views is a testament itself!
    Wishing you all the best :)

  8. Robert, I hope you know that your fellow typewriter lovers will always be glad to hear from you, learn from you, muse with you, and laugh with you, whenever you wish. And whenever you prefer to relax or do something else, we will understand and respect your preference. The friendship and community of the typosphere can happily endure without any need for obligations or expectations.

    Type on and carry on, friend, following your heart's desires.

  9. Well, Robert - I'm hoping that you get who you are for us all! There isn't much more that I can add except that I/we love you, and wish you the best always - with a tear in my eye!

    On the other point brought up - I offered before, and will again to you and/or our fellow community. If anyone would like to see your great work written down somewhere, and preserved for future reference, I'd work with you and others to compile it into a journal, or book - if you wouldn't mind.
    I think we'd all like to have this info at our "real finger tips"- as tangible as our beautiful machines!

  10. I recently returned to collecting (in a minor way) after a five year hiatus. Your website is by far the most interesting new resource I've encountered, a font of information I've barely begun to tap. And always very well written. I find it's often the first website I check every morning, here on the other side of the world. Good luck on your journey, and I hope it finds you continuing to include some updates, even if not at the present pace. - Tom in Massachusetts

  11. Soon after I bought my first typewriter and ever since my first google search for typewriters your blog has been a regular read and an incredible source of information and knowledge. Whether or not you're blogging regularly or never blogging, know that you've got what I can only imagine to be a huge number of typospharians, myself included behind you, who will always be around, even if you're absent for a while. Great to see you at the type in and hope to see you again some time before too long.

  12. Congratulations my longtime friend in breaking the one million mark I see the counter is still counting so even though you are cutting back don't stop mate the comments from your fellow typospherians are inspirational enough to keep you going.Even a guy like me who has no real interest in typewriters find your blogs very interesting.p.s I first met Robert 52 yrs ago when I sat next to him at Greymouth High School we are still good mates today.


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