
Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Hello Dolly! A New Home for an Old Home Remington Portable

Don't ask me why I called her "Dolly". I don't know. I just did. The name came to me the moment I started to type with her. Maybe because she was assembled in England from US-made parts and sold in Scotland, a bit like a famous cloned sheep in some ways. Or, more likely, "One of my old-time friends from way back in the time when ..." Yes, you're looking swell, Dolly.
Dolly was sold as a "Chimes" Product by W. Simpson Bell & Co (sole Scottish agents for Woodstock typewriters) on George Street in Edinburgh in 1940, 75 years ago. I believe there was also "Chimes" typewriter ribbon. Her serial number is ES269227, which is interesting, since the Typewriter Age Guide only takes the Remington "Home" model portable up to No 269000, at the end of 1939.
Macdonald's Scottish Directory and Gazetter, 1939-40


  1. Sure is a superb looking typewriter.

  2. You've still got the typewriter luck, Robert!
    And a Home Portable, too, which excites me mainly because it was the model George Orwell described as his "decrepit old typewriter", though this one sure isn't that!

  3. Beautiful. I love the Chimes decal.

  4. Hi Robert,
    Today is my 44th birthday and I have been given a stunning Remington Home Portable that looks just like this one. Trouble is, a couple of parts appear to have come loose on its travels to me. I have fiddled and fidgeted and have very inky fingers and an *almost* working typewriter. But one essential sliding part (thin metal with a spike in the middle and little wheels on the end) I cannot find a home for. I found a home for the other, which improved sliding and moving-on mechanisms no end. As you can probably tell, I have no idea what I'm really talking about! I scoured the net for the model and found you. I appreciate that you may not be able / wish to help, but if you happened to know anyone who might, I would be so grateful. I just want to get this stunning piece of machinery working, to love it, and to use it. MY Dolly.
    In hope,

  5. Hi! I have just stumbled upon your page after purchasing a similar model (identical except for the stamp just above the typing pannel. I have purchase a new ribbon and can't wait to clean it up. I have been having problems with the line alignment. Have you found any manuals for this model on line? Kind regards, Janet

  6. Hi! I have just stumbled upon your page after purchasing a similar model (identical except for the stamp just above the typing pannel. I have purchase a new ribbon and can't wait to clean it up. I have been having problems with the line alignment. Have you found any manuals for this model on line? Kind regards, Janet


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