
Thursday 15 October 2015

Typewritten Letters: Papa, Scott, Albert and Woody

A fortnight ago in New York, Lion Heart Autographs auctioned typewritten letters which included missives from Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Albert Einstein and Woody Guthrie. Einstein wrote to Fritz Tichauer about the difficulty of studying mathematics, Fitzgerald to his typist Isabel W. Owens about his financial destitution, and Hemingway to Peter Viertel and Bettina Graziani about marlin fishing and The Old Man and The Sea. Guthrie just wrote lyrics for Buckeye Jim.


  1. Oh no! Don't go away again! You have so much info here that I use a lot in my research ):

    May I suggest exporting your blog to a PDF via BlogBooker first?

    Just in case?
    PS: sorry this is off-topic.

  2. Another off-topic comment: please don't take your blog down. I come here almost daily for research purposes and entertainment. There is an incredible amount of valuable information here. The typewriter community would suffer if it were taken offline.

  3. Robert,

    First, thank you for another well-researched blog article; your's is the standard by which others must follow.

    Now, about your blog and spammers. I, too, use Blogger, having done so since 2006. I currently have mine set to require me to screen the responses before they are posted, and have no issues. Yes, the occassional spam comment gets submitted, but I take great joy in marking such comments as spam and not posting them; I find this to be, for me, a reasonable, workable compromise in exchange for having Blogger host my work for essentially free.

    However, I do not use a G Mail account with Blogger, instead use another online email host. Perhaps you could start a new email account elsewhere, like on Yahoo, and link that account to Blogger, if the particular spam issues you're having are more GMail related?

    Yes, there are other blogging sites, such as Wordpress; but given the hassle in transfering the enormous volume of knowledge and resources that your blog respresents to another site, it seems to me a lesser hassle just to screen your blog comments and use a non-Google email account for screening the responses.


  4. ON TOPIC: These typewritten letters are fantastic! Taking mental notes of formatting for my letters :)

    OFF TOPIC: The notice on the banner today deeply saddens me. "oz.T" is so important to hundreds of others across the globe, including me. You walked me through my first drawband repair; you introduced me to almost every machine in my collection; and, when I needed a break from typewriting, you gave me sports history reporting of the highest caliber.

    As many of us plead with you to reconsider your decision, we understand you alone are the one that has to dedicate both time and energy to maintain oz.T. If this should be the end, godspeed in all your endevors; if you should decide to carry on, as we hope, we eagarly await your next post. Kind regards,

  5. Sorry Robert for another off-topic comment,

    I am saddened by the thought of "OzTypewriters" disappearing, but you have to do what you have to do.

    I read your columns daily and am amazed at the research and information that you have gathered over the years.

    For the past two years I have been restoring 4 vintage motorcycles (at the same time), this has engulfed all my spare time and typewriters have been put on the back burner.

    I am hoping that an alternate means of bringing back the "OzTypewriters" to the world.

    Best regards, Peter Brill, Perth, Western Australia.

  6. Robert!!! I still must read hundreds of your posts! This is by now heritage of mankind, so don't you dare to leave without backing up every single entry on pdf. Your fan, Georg

  7. Just a note: I have been following your blog "silently" from Germany, I don't comment much on blogs but I feel the need to let you know that I really appreciate this blog. Makes me sad to imagine it gone. Thank you for all your posts and the work you've put into it; and like the other commentators, I also hope that you reconsider and that oz.T remains!

  8. What if... you kept the blog and disabled comments entirely? Then we could still use it as a resource and you wouldn't get spammed?

  9. I am so sorry to see your blog being taken down. I have been in the typewriter trade for over 40 years, and yet have learned so much from your articles. I will, of course, take your details off the list of links on my website as you request.

    Best Wishes,

    Tom Lucas

  10. I strongly object. Whilst the decision is yours alone, scrapping the whole blog seems a somewhat draconian measure. This blog could well stand on its own without comments. However useful or valuable, they are of secondary importance; your articles are the primary value. Cut away what drags you down, don't sink the boat altogether.

    (Maybe there is a forum out there [Typewriter Talk?] that would create a sub-board for you; perhaps that would work.)

    With compliments,

    Hans Boersma


I do not accept anonymous comments.
I only allow comments under User IDs provided I know who that person is.
Do not ask me to evaluate typewriters.
Comments must be relevant to the post.
As the author of these posts, I make the decisions about what they contain - it is not open to discussion.