
Tuesday 17 November 2015

Taking the Platen Out of a 1937 Royal Portable: Any Suggestions?

BTW: I apologise for the ads, but my need for cash is desperate. So is hers, by the look of things ...
When I turned the platen on this lovely little pre-war Royal portable, I noticed some traces of rust coming up from the feed roller plate. So I set out to remove the platen and clean up the plate. No such luck. I can get the rod out of the platen this far at both ends, but there it remains stuck. Is there something I'm missing? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
On a quick visit to Canberra by Melbourne typewriter technician and collector Michael Klein, an occasional guest columnist on this blog, I took the Royal to breakfast at Michael's hotel and asked for advice. Michael couldn't shift the rod, either, and suggested there may be some burring at one or both ends. This was something I'd encountered before, so I filed down the ends, but still no result.
 Here are a selection of typewriters from Michael's collection:
This Rem-Blick is one I sold Michael many years ago, before I first had the pleasure of meeting him (at the typewriter exhibition at the Canberra Museum and Art Gallery a few years back).
On his visit to Canberra for the exhibition, I gave Michael this nice Porto-Rite.
This is very similar to the Royal portable I am trying to clean up right now.
Michael worked for Facit as well as IBM, and was very keen to get hold of this model, rating it very highly.
This is a Triumph-Adler.
Michael readily admits he needs to find some time to clean up some of his machines.
I have one of these if anyone wants it, going free - come and collect!


  1. Make sure the screw(s) on the right are loose and pull the rod to the right. If it doesn't work, use wd-40 on the rod. It should be easy. This will work on all full-sized Royal Portables made in the USA and Portugal into the 1980s.

  2. The ads are a good idea. You're just leveraging the same financial support structure that the newspapers once used to afford your paycheck. I hope it works well for you!

  3. Quite a nice collection.

    I had a similar problem with an Underwood. Penetrating oil and a bit of tapping with a soft-faced hammer eventually solved the problem. The rod was rusted inside the platen. I cleaned it with Scotch-Brite and oiled it when I re-installed it.

    Nothing wrong with ads. It's your blog.

  4. The ads are perfectly sensible and I'm going to make a point of clicking on some of them.

    I am a bit hesitant to say this, but you may need to give the rod a good whack with a hammer.


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