
Saturday 24 September 2016

Typewriter Breaks Ribs

No joke, I cracked a couple of ribs when I tripped and fell on to a typewriter (it was a Smith-Corona Galaxie II) on Thursday night. The typewriter was unharmed.
So I'm feeling very sore and sorry for myself and I'm pretty much immobilised for the time being. I hope not to be doing too much laughing, sneezing or coughing for the next three to six weeks.


  1. Been there. (Busted ribs, not the typewriter body-slam.)

    Anyway. Do NOT avoid coughing!

    Coughing keeps your lungs clear of infection. "Out with the bad air, in with the good air," as they say. (The docs probably told you this, and it's true.)

    Plus... you get to see all those colorful stars each time you do cough! :) (Sorry.)

    Still. Cough a lot! It's a thing!

    And get well soon! ;)

  2. You've got to watch out for those killer typewriters.

    In all seriousness, Sad to hear you got hurt, and rib injuries of any kind are very painful.
    I hope the pain goes away and you get well soon.

  3. Oh no! I just saw this. So sorry to hear about your injury.

    Our beloved objects can be hazardous.

  4. The only things that can really hurt us are the things we love. Get well soon! (:

  5. Owwww... Heal (and feel better) fast!

  6. Ow I feel your pain - Get well soon.

  7. http://www.ebayworks.com2 October 2016 at 08:55

    Hope this ends with a distant memory. Get better soon!

  8. Wonderful to see you back in action. Clare Hollingworth's story adds to my love of the Hermes Baby. Amazing to make 105 years old. Thanks again for your work.

    From Canada,



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