
Tuesday 14 June 2022

Searing Cutlass Typewriter in Taylor Swift Short

Taylor Swift last week “spilled secrets about her short film” All Too Well during a screening at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York. These included “why that red typewriter is so important” – the featured Sears Cutlass represents, apparently, “this dream and hope of being a writer”. It's a Smith-Corona manual portable sold under the Sears brand and, judging by Ted Munk's Typerwriter Database, reasonably common:

There are many online articles out there which explain more fully than I can be bothered to do the "relevance" of the typewriter to Swift's film.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe not super-common, but I know that anyone who finds one is very happy about it. Usually there's a fun sans-serif typeface on them too. There's another version of the Sears Cutlass that is a bronze-colored Royal Sabre relabeling, also with a stripe.


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