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Thursday, 24 November 2016

The Great Sydney Typewriter Gathering

Excitement is mounting to fever pitch as we enter the last three weeks before the Great Sydney Typewriter Gathering on December 14. It won't so much feel like Santa has arrived early, as like all of our Christmases have come at once!
This unique event will bring together, for the first time, typewriter technicians Phil Card, Warren Ingrey and Terry Cooksley of Sydney, Melbourne's Michael Klein (an occasional contributor to this blog) and Canberra collector Jim Franklin, who once worked here for Sydney Pincombe Pty Ltd.
These five typewriter wizards will joined on December 14 by renowned collector Richard Amery, just back from cruising around earthquake-shaken New Zealand, and Charlie Foxtrot owners Phil and Julie Chapman, plus their new business partners. In an attempt to further lower the average age of attendees, another typewriter collector going to Sydney will be the brilliant young Canberra journalist Jasper Lindell. So the occasion promises to be one for the ages.
Also invited to this first-ever national typewriter gathering is technician-collector David Lawrence of Auckland, New Zealand, whose presence would turn an already mouth-watering event into an international one. Here's hoping he can make it, otherwise I'll have to wear the Kiwi colours myself. Either way, a never-to-be-forgotten day of typewriter talk and typewriter action is assured ... the Mother of All Typewriter Gatherings Down Under.
 Warren Ingrey
 Phil Card, left, and Richard Amery
 Terry Cooksley
 Michael Klein
Jim Franklin
 Jasper Lindell
Julie and Phil Chapman

1 comment:

Richard P said...

It's bound to be fun!