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Saturday, 12 August 2017

60 Typewriters Must Go - for Free, and Fast!

After more than 10 years, during which time it featured on the ABC TV show The Collectors, the Australian Typewriter Museum in Canberra has been closed down and is in the process of being dismantled. There are 60 typewriters here that can be collected, if anyone wants one or more for free, but you'll have to be quick. And they'll have to be collected from the former museum. Anything left here at the end of the month (August 31, 2017) will be dumped. If you fancy anything, let me know ASAP and I'll hold on to it for you. Admittedly, they are mostly electrics and wedges, but some of the older typewriters might came in handy as spare parts machines. There's also a box of typing manuals and typewriter parts books, and a very large chest packed with toy typewriters. As for me, I'm off to a new home, which won't be entirely typewriter free. And this blog will be back to full flow shortly.


Spike said...

G'day Robert, sorry to see any of these ending up at the tip. Just wondering if the pink ones are available still?
Thanks, Ian

rino breebaart said...

Oh no, the axe of imminent removal and load-lightening! A someone who just sold their house, I know how it feels ;-)

I can't see the back row of typers that well (fumbles glasses), but if there's any good/working Rem SJ's lurking, I will send my Canberra confederate over to the Museum in a jiffy...

Good luck with the move! rino

Bill M said...

Hate to see you loose any of your typewriters. I've been in the same boat for a bit. Just moved myself (FL to MI) and had to let some of mine go.

Nick Bodemer said...

Do you have a spare carriage-return lever for a Facit 1620? Also will you keep blogging? I have been reading your blog since I was in high school, and have loved every post!

Unknown said...

I would love to get a typewriter! I am in Perth Western Australia so if they could be shipped I would gratefully take one! A manual portable of any making would be wonderful! Although I wouldn't go past a manual standard... I already have 3 of those! Please let me know if it's possible to ship and then the details can be worked out as I am very keen to get my hands on another one. My email is it would be the best way to get in contact, I would really appreciate it. Alicia.

Anonymous said...

Ugh. No hope for us Yanks in the US?

Robert Messenger said...

Thank you Rino, Bill and Nick for your kind thoughts. Yes, Nick, the post says I will continue blogging. To Ian, Taylor and Alicia, the post also points out these are "pick up only". Unfortunately, I am on such a tight schedule to vacate the premises I simply do not have time to get shipping quotes or to ship. Even if I did, it would be very difficult for you to pay me for the shipping costs because I do not use PayPal. Thank you for your interest.

Markus Russell said...

Nooooo! Wishing I'd attended grad school in Melbourne and not The States! Beautiful black monolithic Olivetti... another day, another machine...

Kelsey Morris said...

I would love to buy the green one off of you and pay shipping to the US! Please let me know!

vuvie said...


Do you have a manual for Smith Corona Super Speed circa 1940s? I am going to collect my first manual typewriter today and it doesn't come with a manual.

If yes, please tell me and I can pay for shipping of the manual to Canada.

Thank you so much!

Maximum said...

Oh no. I could use the hole lot, but I'm in Denmark, on the other side of the world. I hope you'll find a mercyful soul. Good luck.

Maximum said...

On a sidenote. Where can I find a good place to buy colorbands for typewriters?