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Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Bubbling With Fun, Typewriters Galore: Type-In in the Park in Canberra

The Typewriter Festival in Haig Park in Canberra on Sunday turned out to be as much fun as organiser Ms Constance Spry forecast it would be. The weather forecast was pretty accurate, too, for a bright sun bathed the vast park in a warm glow which matched the passion for using typewriters under The Bubble. The day was wedged into an otherwise wet weekend, so the Typewriter Gods were obviously smiling down on us.
Hundreds of people turned up, many of a certain age reminiscing about their days of using typewriters as work tools. Others, of a somewhat younger set, wanted to talk about their own typewriters. But the day belonged mostly to children who had never seen typewriters before, let alone had the chance to use them.
The Bubble, inflated for the first time in Canberra, proved a very suitable setting for the Type-In. 
This is what it looked like when being tested in the park :
Before the event started, I was asked to name one of the pine trees after my favourite typewriter:
I had two tables outside displaying some historically interesting old typewriters and a range of modern portables for sale:
Lined up at home ready to go:
Ms Spry brought along many more typewriters than I had available:
But she still wanted to try out one of mine:
At one point there was a parade of greyhounds and whippets. Though this was not related to the typewriter event, I pointed out there were at least two dogs in each of our typewriters:
Anyway, here's toasting Constance Spry:


Bill M said...

Very unique! Typing in a bubble. Looks like a wonderful event, and everyone seems to be having fun enjoying the typewriters. I've never seen one of those bubbles in the few places I've been in the USA.

Richard P said...


Ping A said...

What a pleasant setting for a type-in.