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Wednesday, 30 June 2021

The Saga of the Monpti Portable Typewriter

And so, as of yesterday, it has returned home to me, and it won't be boomeranging anywhere from here!

I hasten to add that no animals were harmed in the making of this saga, nor was any injury suffered by anyone's pride or purse - everyone involved remains on the very best of terms. For full details about the Monpti, see my blog post from May 31, 2013, here.


Bill M said...

Interesting typewriter. I'm surprised I missed your original post.

Richard P said...

It's a shame it isn't a better typewriter, because the industrial design is really rather fun.

Richard Amery said...

Hi Robert,

A great post. Sitting here with Terry Cooksley we both had a laugh at your description of events. Good to see humour is still a big part of the typewriter world. Pleased that no animals were injured during the making of this saga. On a more serious note, so happy that this little gem has made its way back to you and in some sort of working order.

Richard Amery