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Sunday, 29 August 2021

What's Worse than Lockdown? A Mistreated Typewriter, That's What


Bill M said...

Ah, I've gotten typewriters like that, and sadly they become parts machines except for one H3k Script that I've kept for when ever I get back to it. It was horrible the way the type bars and most steel was rusted. It typed! The covers quite nice. I gave it an Evap O Rust soak and the rust is gone, so is the typing action. Worked great on the bench but will not work in the covers.

I do hope your lock down and poorly maintained typewriters improves. Much more importantly I hope your wife's health improves.

Pete from Prescott said...

Well now... Having somehow stumbled on this site, how pleasantly surprised I was to find two of my joys in one package! Typewriters and good stories about them. Having given up repairing them some years ago, I found myself being thrust back into the maelstrom when both the local repair shops closed and all my tools (and theirs as well) where returned to me. I grudgingly began working on them again and realized it was like returning to my hometown and spending time with trusted old friends. When people discover I still repair them they treat me like they've found a unicorn!
Yes! We are unicorns being sought by those who will never touch a computer keyboard. At our age it is great to feel wanted and actually needed by so wonderful a generation. Not a cranky one in the lot! Though some may disagree.

Pete from Prescott said...

Well now... Having somehow stumbled on this site, how pleasantly surprised I was to find two of my joys in one package! Typewriters and good stories about them. Having given up repairing them some years ago, I found myself being thrust back into the maelstrom when both the local repair shops closed and all my tools (and theirs as well) where returned to me. I grudgingly began working on them again and realized it was like returning to my hometown and spending time with trusted old friends. When people discover I still repair them they treat me like they've found a unicorn!
Yes! We are unicorns being sought by those who will never touch a computer keyboard. At our age it is great to feel wanted and actually needed by so wonderful a generation. Not a cranky one in the lot! Though some may disagree.