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Monday, 7 March 2022

Typewriter Illuminations

We had a visit on the weekend from my other favourite Cincinnatian, Amy, now a young mum on maternity leave from the Museum of Australian Democracy (Old Parliament House). Followers of this blog may know that MoAD has for more than two years now been staging a “hands-on” exhibition called “Yours Faithfully”, which features a range of portable typewriters. MoAD is not open at the moment because on December 30 some braindead idiots protesting about their “freedom” deliberately lit a fire at the front doors, seriously damaging the beautiful old building.

We’ve had a gutful of these vicious, unenlightened, virus-spreading, non-vaxxed yobbos in Canberra this past month. But to brighten up an otherwise dank early autumn, this past week has seen the start of Canberra’s annual outdoor art and cultural festival “Enlighten”. This features illuminating light installations and projections, performances from local and visiting acts, a short film festival and the Canberra Balloon Spectacular. It’s aimed at encouraging people to “See Canberra in a whole new light” and brings many tens of thousands of more enlightened visitors to the Australian Capital Capital. The centrepiece of the festival is the illuminating of Canberra's cultural institutions after dark, including MoAD, Parliament House, the National Gallery of Australia, the National Portrait Gallery and Questacon.

I gather from Amy that as of tonight we will see images of typewriters illuminated on to the walls of MoAD. Judging by the “Enlighten” and MoAD websites, this is what we might expect the see.

Here are some photos I've taken at previous Englighten festivals:

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