Please do not shut down oz.Typewriter, rather let it stay open for posterity and just turn off commenting. There is loads of info here that is referenced to by various linking (for instance, the "reference sources" section of TWDB) and it would be unfortunate to have all that research just removed from the intertubes. Is there a specific reason that you'd want to shut it down rather than just leave it be and focus on your new pursuits?
heh, you have no idea how relieved that makes me. (: This is a treasure trove of stories and research that has resulted from the last 11 years of your work - as valuable as a number of published books, IMHO. I am certainly looking forward to your future works as well.
I STRONGLY second Ted’s comments here. Oz.typewriter is far too valuable a resource to shutter completely. As a personal note, you have no idea how often I come to the site to do research on typewriter history and subjects. And how often I come here to just delve into it randomly, always finding something fascinating to get me away from the chaos of the day.
But as far as writing more for the blog: that is absolutely your choice, Robert. Write here if and only if it brings you fulfillment. And if you turn your writing talents to other things, then I will read those other things with interest and pleasure too.
Indeed, we all shall miss you. 🥺 Please, don't go away, nor delete your blog. 🥺🙏🏾
Perhaps I can't understand the whole context of some of your posts, as you live in Australia and I live in Mexico (you know, cultural barriers, language barriers, etc.), but you have a great source of information here. I met people into typewriting thanks to you. 🥺🙏🏾
I wish luck for you and your projects. I also have projects ahead. 👍🏾
Early on in my typecasting experience when I asked for your participation on my blog, I was overjoyed by the support and enthusiasm that you showed for what I was doing. With that in mind, I definitely support you with whatever decisions you make going forward. May you find what you are looking for going forward in life. If karma has anything to do with it, I'm sure that you will find it.
Robert, While I fully appreciate your desire to get your life back, I'm afraid I have yo cast my vote with the 'Ayes'. We need OzTypewriter, my friend. Life wouldn't be the same without it.
Oh no, the end of an era looms! Please continue to file the odd story from the roving editorial desk, wherever that takes you. But thanks for all the stories so far. And please keep the blog live. Best, Rino
Robert, Good to see your long time devotion to your great blog.
I agree with Ted. Another option is to take all the wonderful information on your blog and compile it into a boook. I'd be on the list to purchase one.
I also agree with Richard P. Write and post to your blog as you see fit. Please let the Typosphere know about your other writings. I will look forward to reading them.
In any case Thank You for your blog, congratulations on a job very well done!
I came to follow your blog only in the last 10 months or so and have yet to read all 11 years of stories. Your blog is a reference book or encyclopedia that one consults for information about how typewriters were used. I love so many of the blog entries! Thank you and merci!
Please do not shut down oz.Typewriter, rather let it stay open for posterity and just turn off commenting. There is loads of info here that is referenced to by various linking (for instance, the "reference sources" section of TWDB) and it would be unfortunate to have all that research just removed from the intertubes. Is there a specific reason that you'd want to shut it down rather than just leave it be and focus on your new pursuits?
Thanks Ted. You make a very valid point. Turning off comments is one option I hadn't considered but will probably do that.
heh, you have no idea how relieved that makes me. (:
This is a treasure trove of stories and research that has resulted from the last 11 years of your work - as valuable as a number of published books, IMHO. I am certainly looking forward to your future works as well.
I STRONGLY second Ted’s comments here. Oz.typewriter is far too valuable a resource to shutter completely. As a personal note, you have no idea how often I come to the site to do research on typewriter history and subjects. And how often I come here to just delve into it randomly, always finding something fascinating to get me away from the chaos of the day.
In keeping with Roberts Rules of Order
All in favor of not shutting down Oz.Typewriter say Aye.
But as far as writing more for the blog: that is absolutely your choice, Robert. Write here if and only if it brings you fulfillment. And if you turn your writing talents to other things, then I will read those other things with interest and pleasure too.
Hi Robert:
I cannot thank you enough for your Blog and as I read it everyday I will miss it. Time rolls on. Wish you the best in your next projects.
John Parry
Indeed, we all shall miss you. 🥺
Please, don't go away, nor delete your blog. 🥺🙏🏾
Perhaps I can't understand the whole context of some of your posts, as you live in Australia and I live in Mexico (you know, cultural barriers, language barriers, etc.), but you have a great source of information here. I met people into typewriting thanks to you. 🥺🙏🏾
I wish luck for you and your projects. I also have projects ahead. 👍🏾
Early on in my typecasting experience when I asked for your participation on my blog, I was overjoyed by the support and enthusiasm that you showed for what I was doing. With that in mind, I definitely support you with whatever decisions you make going forward. May you find what you are looking for going forward in life. If karma has anything to do with it, I'm sure that you will find it.
Bill Guthrie
Robert, While I fully appreciate your desire to get your life back, I'm afraid I have yo cast my vote with the 'Ayes'. We need OzTypewriter, my friend. Life wouldn't be the same without it.
Oh no, the end of an era looms! Please continue to file the odd story from the roving editorial desk, wherever that takes you. But thanks for all the stories so far. And please keep the blog live. Best, Rino
Robert, Good to see your long time devotion to your great blog.
I agree with Ted. Another option is to take all the wonderful information on your blog and compile it into a boook. I'd be on the list to purchase one.
I also agree with Richard P. Write and post to your blog as you see fit. Please let the Typosphere know about your other writings. I will look forward to reading them.
In any case Thank You for your blog, congratulations on a job very well done!
I came to follow your blog only in the last 10 months or so and have yet to read all 11 years of stories. Your blog is a reference book or encyclopedia that one consults for information about how typewriters were used. I love so many of the blog entries! Thank you and merci!
Daniel Burgoyne
Aye !
This blog must be alive forever... Everyone who likes typewriters need it ! Do that favor to the typospere !!!
Thanks so much for all these years of hard work !!!
All the best ! Paulo (from Portugal, Lisboa)
Aye !
This blog must be alive forever... Everyone who likes typewriters need it ! Do that favor to the typospere !!!
Thanks so much for all these years of hard work !!!
All the best ! Paulo (from Portugal, Lisboa)
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