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Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Typewriter-Related Exhibition Opens

The "Yours Faithfully" exhibition at the Museum of Australian Democracy (Old Federal Parliament House) in Canberra is now open (daily, 9am–5pm) and has no fewer than 10 typewriters for use. Eight of them were once mine and the other two I restored to full health for MoAD. We have been invited to have a look at the set-up tomorrow morning. Images here are from the early stages of preparation.
The exhibition is expected to last at least 18 months.
MoAD's online blurb says, "In an age of pithy one-liners, text messages and FaceTime, letter writing might seem redundant. Yet rediscovering this lost art reminds us to slow down and express our inner thoughts with others. A handwritten letter can become a keepsake of cherished memories, opinions and ideas, or expressed love. Over the years, everyday people have used the modest pen and paper to communicate, persuade, and initiate change.
"We invite you to come in and rediscover letter writing; whatever the subject and whomever the recipient. Use our range of tools and supplies including beautifully restored typewriters, and pop your piece of mail in our post box – postage is on us."
As someone who hand wrote or typed 127 letters and sent them to my now wife when she was in England in 2017 and again earlier this year, I feel fully qualified to be involved.
An image MoAD used with its blurb shows one of the museum's typewriters that I worked on. Frankly, it was without doubt the worst paint job I've ever seen on a typewriter (pink, with no primer and no masking tape used). So applying parts from another Olivetti Studio 45, I turned it back into a fully functioning - and gorgeous looking - machine.


Richard P said...

More typewriters doing good. And more Mr. Messenger doing good.

Bill M said...

Great looking exhibition. Nice work on the Studio 45.

Ted said...

Congrats on the opening of the exhibition! Looks like it is superbly put together. (: