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Monday, 11 August 2014

Noiselessly Mesmerising: Part III - Anatomy and Typing Actions of Noiseless Typewriters

Anatomy of a Noiseless
Noiseless Portable:

 Remington Standard Noiseless:

Typing Actions Compared
Noiseless Portable
Remington Noiseless Portable
Underwood Noiseless Portable
Underwood Noiseless 77 Portable
Remington Model 1 Portable
Australian-built Remington Noiseless Portable
Smith Premier Noiseless (from Piotr Trumpiel)


Richard P said...

Great views. I wish I could read "The Heart of the Portable."

The earliest known Noiseless Portable, #92, has now joined the Chestnut Ridge Typewriter Museum.

Tony Mindling said...

Fascinating and ingenious mechanism in these (although, that could be said for all typewriters!). But i always need to put myself in an accommodating mindset when i fire up one of my Remingtons.