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Tuesday, 23 November 2021

1952 Halda Portable Typewriter

The story of how I acquired this (now gorgeous and working) Halda, and a few other non-working portables. will be told in a day or so. In the meantime, I'll sing the praises of a cleaning method I use, which is especially good for getting any grime out of "crinkle" paint work.



Bill M said...

Congratulations of the restoration!
Your cleaning method for crinkle paint looks similar to mine.

Ted said...

Ooh, you can still get that stuff? Looks very tasty! :D

T Newington said...

wow, beautiful green on that Halda. What is this magical foam?

Robert Messenger said...

I believe it is/was called something like Bubbles in the US. The active ingredient is Monoethanolamine.

T Newington said...

Thanks, Robert. Will have to go on the hunt for something similar in the UK