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Sunday 26 June 2011

The Portex Typewriter: Our Adventure Begins

My new "baby", the Portex No 5 portable, arrived safe and sound from the US on Friday. Given what I paid for it, I consider it a really good score.
Today was the first chance I had to start doing a bit of work on it. I knew that as soon as I applied a little elbow grease, a rag, some spray and a polish, it would start to look spiffing. And less than 10 minutes later, it was exactly that.
These are very early days yet, however. The mainspring needs fixing and the drawband reattached. Once that is done, this little beauty will be typecasting with the best of them ... I will keep you posted:
As it appeared on eBay, above, and what it looked like when it arrived, below
Doesn't she look as if she's smiling?


Richard P said...

She looks great!

Robert Messenger said...

Thanks, Richard. Nowhere near as nice as your one, but it'll get a lot better with more polishing and a blow through etc. I'm dying to get it working. Shouldn't be too much of a problem, I don't think. BTW, still an On This Day (on electrics) to post yet, so the machine hasn't shut down just yet.

notagain said...

Where do you get your elbow grease? Mine doesn't work half so well. Maybe you could send me a tin?

Robert Messenger said...

Hi notagain ... I actually didn't use an awful lot of it, so there's certainly some spare.

shordzi said...

I love the 10 minutes. I do the same.