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Friday 25 September 2015

Can Your Typewriter Make an Interrobang on National Punctuation Day? Mine Can! (Almost)


Anonymous said...

Just what my punctuation's been missing!? (failed interrobang)

Ted said...

The interrobang is supported as an HTML entity, is it not‽

Robert Messenger said...

Sorry, Ted, I have absolutely no idea whatsoever what that means. I was just having a bit of fun with a typewriter, that's all. Nothing serious.

Ted said...

oh, heh. I was just noting that many of these characters are supported in HTML and CSS. Interrobang is "ampersand,hash,8253,semicolon". Thus the more popular ones have already made it into the entity characterset.. let's see if I can make it bigger: ‽. (we'll see if blogger supports a tag with attributes) :D

Robert Messenger said...

Sorry, Ted, I did notice there were codes in the colour boxes on the Mental Floss graphic, and I did try one, with Word, but it didn’t work, not for me anyway. It was just an attempt (admittedly feeble) to show that with three keystrokes on a typewriter, I could produce three of these 13 marks – I suspect it would take a few more with Word, or whatever. Just another (admittedly pointless) attempt by me to prove typewriters are superior to computers.

Bill M said...

I remember the interrobang from Shady Characters. I'd love to have a typewriter with it. I understand only one had it. I've tried making it, but most typewriters I have the ? and ! are the same height so they only blurr.

It'd be nice to have a typewriter with some of those neat marks. It sure would get someone's attention reading the document.

Bill M said...

I forgot about the Otothorpe that everyone calls by the wrong name. #