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Monday, 5 December 2016

Cruisin' 'n' Typin'

The Emerald Princess under the Sydney Harbour Bridge
Sydney typewriter collector Richard Amery has returned from a cruise on the Emerald Princess to earthquake-rattled New Zealand, in good time for next week's Great Sydney Typewriter Gathering (December 14). Richard never misses a trick when it comes to typewriters - or a day without using one - and naturally he took a machine with him (an Olivetti Lettera 22 portable, seen below) on his voyage to the Shaky Isles. Here is a typecast from a letter he sent me:
The Emerald Princess in Sydney Harbour
The Emerald Princess in Milford Sound, New Zealand
 Richard Amery, centre, and Terry Cooksley, right, admire a Blick Ninety
now owned by Richard Polt.
Another typewriter collector headed for the Great Sydney Typewriter Gathering is Jasper Lindell, seen here marking the anniversary of the infamous "Dismissal" on the steps of Old Parliament House in Canberra. "It's Time" all right - for the biggest typewriter event in Australia ever!


Anonymous said...

Not sure my stomach would stand up to typing on those squishy Olivetti keys in a high sea. An Underwood maybe, and certainly a Remington... ;) Looks like it would be fun trying though. Welcome ashore! Women, children and typewriters first! :D

Bill M said...

I hope you can make it to the gathering.