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Monday, 26 March 2018

Flash Typewriters, Flash Cars: 1928-1968

Aside from whiskey distilleries and cigarette manufacturers, some of the most regular and eye-catching full-page (and usually full-colour) advertisements which appeared in LIFE magazine over the years came from typewriter companies and especially automobile conglomerates. While specifically looking for typewriter ads, I must admit to often being almost equally impressed by the car spreads. So I've decided to put together a selection of both, covering the 40 years from 1928 (when the magazine was still owned by Clair Maxwell) to 1968.
1928 - 90 Years Ago
1938 - 80 Years Ago
1948 - 70 Years Ago
1958 - 60 Years Ago
1968 - 50 Years Ago
That's all folks ... !


Bill M said...

Great old advertisements. I wish I would have had a typewriter when i was in school that could give me better grades.

Johnpyyc said...

What interesting blast from the past - marvelous blog.


Richard P said...

So many beautiful things ...

Nick Merritt said...

Fun! It's always interesting to see how much more copy there was in the advertisements of yesteryear compared with today. And it was also interesting to notice that the Olivetti ad contained not a single picture of their product.