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Saturday, 10 March 2018

The Silver-Seiko Silverette Portable Typewriter and Jimi Hendrix's Foxy Lady

I knew the Silver-Seiko Silverette portable typewriter would be useful for something artistic one day! Watch Italian one-man-band and self-proclaimed “Trash n’ Roll” artist Porcapizza nail it. The typewriter is outfitted with aluminum potato crisps cans and the sound is run through an effects processor which serves as the percussion, assisted with a looper. A telephone receiver acts as the vocal mic, while kitchen butter knives fashioned as a mbira add a metallic bassline. The song truly comes together when Porcapizza picks up his homemade four-string guitar, fashioned from a yellow construction hard hat, an old wooden tennis racket and a bunch of black zip-ties, all assisted by reverb, vocal filter and a looping system. 


Bill M said...

Very creative use of some every-day items with a touch of good mechanical and electrical engineering and art too.

Richard P said...

I saw this guy in person in London!