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Tuesday, 25 August 2020

10-Year-Old's Covid Newspaper typed on a Brother Portable Typewriter

Great story on ABC TV’s 7.30 Report in Australia last evening about Suzy Pollard, a 10-year-old North Melbourne Primary School student who is using a Brother 750 TR portable manual typewriter to produce a newspaper called the Covid Catch-Up News. There are up to two issues a week and six have so far been published. Suzy said, “I started the Covid Catch-Up because my mum had a typewriter and I was having a lot of trouble keeping up with everything that was going on. So I thought other kids may feel the same way.” Suzy’s mother is Dr Kate Howell, a senior lecturer in food chemistry at the University of Melbourne. Suzy said, “I just got an email from someone who must have read my newspaper and they sent in a really good article, so now I'm typing it out to put in the newspaper.” Suzy suspects she lives on the “quietest street in the world”. So she worries about people who may be “bored out of their mind” in lockdown. “Here's a list of things to do when you're stuck at home - listen to a podcast, build some Lego, write a newspaper, or bake a cake or cookies.” Proceeds from the sales of the newspaper go to care workers.



Way to go, Miss Pollard! It's young people like her who give me hope for the future. Thank you for bringing Miss Pollard and her paper to our attention. (I found a link to this post through The Week-Appointed Desk.)

Ruth Feiertag

Bill M said...

Great to see a child take interest in both a typewriter and writing the news.

stevekatesuzanne said...

Well this is an exciting find. As Victorians enter lockdown #4, we've been doing some self-googling. Suzy was delighted to see her typewriter feature on your blog!