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Saturday, 27 March 2021

ozTypewriter Reaches 4.5 Million

ozTypewriter has just reached 4.5 million page views, a long-awaited target which, not so long ago, I thought wouldn’t be attained until May. It has arrived one month after the blog marked 10 years, and it now has 2650 posts.

For once a milestone was reached at a reasonable hour of the day (3.38 on a sunny Saturday afternoon), so I could come inside from gardening to watch the counter tick over. Again, I must thank Bill MacLane in Kalamazoo (one of my favourite place names) and Richard Polt in Cincinnati (one of my favourite cities) for their great and constant support. When a parcel arrived in the post from Bill earlier this week, with the gift of two spring hooks inside, it seemed to me to be extremely timely. Bill enclosed a wonderful letter about the blog, and it’s through people like him and Richard that I’ve been motivated to keep the blog going. How much longer I can’t say, but for the time being I seem to be still able to find things to write and post about.

There are obviously many hundreds of other typewriter fanatics out there who I should also thank. Please know I appreciate the effort you all make to pop in and have a look at ozTypewriter each day. You keep me keeping on (at least for the foreseeable future).


Bill G said...

Robert, the fact that you are still able to find things to write and post about on a daily basis is remarkable in it's own right. However, the fact that you are still able to do this so incredibly well is amazing, and much appreciated.

As long as it remains enjoyable for you I hope that you'll continue on.

All the best,
Bill Guthrie

Piotr Trumpiel said...

Congratulations Robert! I am constantly blown away by your ability to dig out such a vast amount of facts and information and I thank you for that.

Kind regards

Bill M said...

Congratulations on 4.5 million Robert!!!
I'm glad the hooks got to you as I know you have use for them.
Sorry for the typos. I did not notice them until I saw your post or I'd have re typed my letter.
Thank you for your kind words.

HBlaine said...

Congratulations, Robert! And thank you for one of the most informative, and downright enjoyable reading experiences on the Web.