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Sunday, 29 November 2020

Typewriter Talk at Virtual Herman's, Organised Brilliantly by David Brechbiel

On Sunday, November 15, I got up at 1am, donned my typewriter PJ top (for the first time) and gave one of the first breakout sessions during the Virtual Herman's typewriter collectors-historians Zoom gathering organised by the unflappable David Brechbiel. These Zoom presentations were a major achievement by David in the absence of a flesh-and-blood gathering at Herman Price's Chestnut Ridge Typewriter Museum in West Virginia. A special thanks to Dan Johnson's amazing grace for recording this (it was lost but is now found), Greg Lyons for being such a fantastic host for my breakout session, and Nick McIntyre, the technician who worked wonders. And to all those who suffered through my ramble. So good to see Richard Polt, Paul Robert, Mark Petersen and J.P. Huard and so many other friendly faces.

All the presentations can be found at They include Richard talking about some of his more unusual typewriters, Ted Munk, Tom Furrier, Jonathan Posey and many others.


Bill M said...

I've been viewing the videos. Virtually great! (I think that is an intended pun).

Richard P said...

It was really a worthwhile event, especially your presentation!

David Brechbiel said...

Robert, thank you for your kind words! it was my pleasure to organize Virtual Herman's. Collectively, we met our goal to gather fellow typospherians for an entertaining and informative weekend. Personally, it was an honor to meet you and others from the international community.