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Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Subject: Typewriters - Michael Klein Takes on Tom Gleeson on 'Hard Quiz'

Michael Klein, far right, brushes up on his knowledge of typewriters at Richard Amery's home in Sydney in December 2016. Phil Card (striped shirt) and Warren Ingrey have their noses in the machine while Philip Chapman, left, and Terry Cooksley look on.
Our old mate Michael Klein, of Warragul in Victoria, is tackling the subject of typewriters on Hard Quiz with Tom Gleeson on ABC TV tomorrow (Wednesday). I already know how Michael fared in the pre-recorded (back last year) episode, but I'll let you find out for yourselves. I also had a hand in the specialist questions to be posed, before I knew Michael was the contestant. I'll let you know more about that after I've watched the show myself.
Amusing abuse? The obnoxious Tom Gleeson hosts Hard Quiz with biting humour. Or so he thinks. It's really just nasty nonsense.
What I can say is that Michael knows his stuff. He was a typewriter mechanic back in the day and has contributed quite a few posts on his experiences in the field to this blog.
Michael Klein tentatively prods one of my old Royals in Canberra few years ago.
Hard Quiz is an Australian television comedy quiz show, which premiered in 2016. Hosted by would-be if he could-be comedian Gleeson, the show is a spin-off of Gleeson's Hard Chat segment on the satirical television news program The Weekly with Charlie Pickering. Gleeson was the winner of last year's Gold Logie Award for the most popular personality on Australian television. 
Michael Klein, seated far right, at the typewriter exhibition in Canberra in 2012.
Hard Quiz episodes feature four contestants, each of whom has selected a specialist subject. The problem is, not all the questions are actually directly related to that nominated subject. The contestants in turn each receive five questions regarding their specialist subjects, followed by questions from a subject Gleeson chooses and then general knowledge questions. The final two contestants answer questions regarding their chosen subject in a best-of-five shootout-style format, with the winner receiving a trophy – the Hard Quiz Big Brass Mug. No money changes hands (it's the ABC, after all!).
Overseas typewriter lovers MAY be able to watch this on iView.

1 comment:

Bill M said...

It'd be neat to see what the typewriter questions and responses will be. I need to give iView a try.