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Thursday, 24 March 2016

Olivetti Exhibition on The Mall in London

British typewriter collectors are being asked to assist the Institute of Contemporary Arts, an artistic and cultural centre on The Mall in London, just off Trafalgar Square, with its Olivetti Exhibition starting on May 25. The exhibition will run to July 17.
Associate curator Juliette Desorgues has contacted me saying the institute is looking for:
 Praxis 48
 Lettera 22
Lexicon 80
Divisumma 24 calculator
It has:
The institute is also hoping to find any original advertising, brochures or other ephemera relating to these machines.


Bill M said...

Ton S would love it. I wonder what ever happened to him. He even removed his blog.

I started with a Praxis 48 way back in the 80s. Neat typewriter. I always think it is very futuristic.

Piotr Trumpiel said...

Please pass my email to Miss Desorgues, I'd be happy to help.

Tony Mindling said...

I love those Olivetti ads - thanks for digging them out for us.

Robert Messenger said...

Will do Piotr. I thought you might be able to assist.

Anonymous said...

Like the James Bond and David Bowie exhibitions of recent memory, there's probably no chance this exhibition will get to Perth, Western Australia. :(

Richard P said...

She contacted me too, and I recommended Piotr among others.

I will be in London this July, so maybe I will get to see the show.

Rob Bowker said...

Hi Robert, Juliette's obviously been put onto me too. I can supply part of her needs (and tried to tempt an outing for the Graphika!). I suggested she puts a post in the Facebook group too.