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Sunday, 9 March 2014

Brisbane Type-In (Updated)

QQQ II (Queensland QWERTY Quorum), held at Captain Burke Park under the Story Bridge in Brisbane on Sunday, March 9, was another huge success. In just its second year, the Brisbane Type-In has already qualified as a truly national event, as there were Typospherians present from Western Australia (Steven Kuterescz, from Perth), the Northern Territory (Natalie Tan, from Darwin) and the Australian Capital Territory (moi, from Canberra). It seems highly likely that by the time next year's QQQ III is held, in Brisbane in March 2015, Scott Kernaghan, convenor of the first two Brisbane Type-Ins, will be resident in Melbourne. But he has committed himself to return north for it, so Victoria will at last be represented. (Steve Snow has agreed to convene QQQ III.) That will just leave South Australia (Ray Nickson says he will be there), New South Wales and Tasmania to join in.
Anyway, I thought QQQ II was especially memorable because, given that we were pretty much left to ourselves (unlike QQQ I at the Breakfast Creek Pub), we were able to have a lengthy round-table discussion about typewriters and typewriter-related stuff (such as a full verbal report on my meetings with Richard Polt, Will Davis, Paul Robert, Martin Howard, Herman Price, Marty Rice et al last October). And we were also able, at Steve Snow's suggestion, to have a speed typing competition (won, I believe, by Nat Tan).
This meant that, to my pleasant surprise, the Type-In went on for six and a half hours! What more could one ask? And, added in with the pre- and post- Type-In activities, it made for a QQQ that will live on in the memories of those who attended for many, many years to come.
PS: And, yes Richard P, I'm so glad you recognised it - this setting was SO reminiscent of Cincinnati.
From left, Rino Breebaart, Steve Snow, Nat Tan, Steven Kuterescz, Scott Kernaghan.
Natalie Tan
Rino Breebaart
Steve Snow
John Lavery (back to camera)
Steven Kuterescz
John with Louise Cause


Richard P said...

Looks wonderful! Great smiles, great typewriters, great location. (Reminiscent of Cincinnati...)

Scott K said...

Ahhhhh look at me sweat my butt off. Oh well, I earned it lugging everyone's stuff around! Someday someone will take a flattering photo of me (sigh)

At least this time I didn't look hideously bald. Just... rotund!

Jasper Lindell said...

Typewriting? Outside? In shorts? Now, that's something I look forward to again!

Looks like another great type-in - I reckon I should work a bit harder next year to get myself there.

Ray said...

Looks fantastic. We'll be there for the next one.

Louise Cause said...

Such a great day!
So many 'new' typewriters to try out.
Can't wait for the third annual bash.
And a tshirt, please :D

Tony Mindling said...

Thanks for the great photos, Robert. That looks like a wonderful venue for a type-in. I'm guessing some of you must have made huge treks to get there.

In the group photo I can recognize Scott in the purple shirt, I'm guessing that's John holding the Olympia, Nat in the white top, and of course, Robert. I'm hoping we can see them all tagged when you get a chance, Robert.

Bill M said...

Looks like a great time. Congratulations on the type-out.

Looks like you had similar weather yesterday as we had here, but I was doing yard work!

Tony Mindling said...

Oh, great! Just found Scott's post with more great photos - and everyone's names. Thank you, Scott!

rino breebaart said...

also, thanks for the great little typewriter book, Rob! I had a great day. Also great that people came from so far to attend our little GTG. rino

Ted said...

added your type-in report to (:

Rob Bowker said...

Sorry to be late in catching up with this event. It looks like you had a good time and someone was involved with some weight lifting. I'd expect Letteras, Babies and Kolibris but it looks like some heavy metal was rolled out for people to enjoy. Thanks for the story. Still dreaming of shorts weather over here.