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Monday 17 March 2014

Remington SP (Saint Patrick's) Typewriter

I dragged this much worn Remington SJ upstairs from the shed this morning and repainted it in honour of St Patrick's Day. It now looks great and types beautifully.
 Les Gilsenen in his New Zealand woodchopping tracksuit top
 The NZ Axemen's Association badge
 Les Gilsenen in action at a standing block
Racing axes are sharp enough to shave yourself with!


Anonymous said...

Great story. And that typewriter is looking good, to be sure!

Peter said...

Fascinating story! Love the green ribbon!

Happy St. Pat's Day.

Don Lampert said...

Life has interesting ways of waking us up sometimes - just when it all seems useless!
Well, thanks to your guardian angel - we all get to have you in our lives, and are the richer for it!
I too was feeling badly about my 63 year old life that wasn't going anywhere but down....... until I connected with you, and our fellow typospherians, and remembered that there are so many wonderful people and reasons to live fully.
PS I just found out today that you have a book out - how did I miss that one? How can I get a copy?
Thanks for the green Remington - made me chuckle!

Miguel Chávez said...

That Remington looks fantastic! I could not agree more with Donald here, sometimes fate, life, God, or however we choose to call it works indeed in some mysterious ways.

I haven´t had the pleasure to meet you in the flesh, Robert, but thanks to your wonderful posts I've learned a lot about typewriters, Australia, New Zealand and sports. And that is something I am very grateful for!

... Now I'm feeling the urge to paint a typewriter in bright emerald green... Hmm... where did I put that Corona 3?

TonysVision said...

Nice Remington and great post. Like everyone, I've had help getting through life's vicissitudes from time to time. Once in a while I'm able to help someone else out and "pay it forward".

shordzi said...

What a beautiful story. While reading it, I forgot all about St. patrick's, but still admired the nice Green Ribbon.

Richard P said...

That's quite a story about good luck and a turnaround!

Bill M said...

I like that green. I hope you had a wonderful Saint Patrick's Day.