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Saturday, 9 October 2021

Remington Typewriter Touch Oiler and Tool Box

In the past few days I've been able to acquire a lot more study plastic boxes to store spare parts and other bits and pieces in my typewriter workshop. In the process of tidying up the workshop, I am across this box of accessories from Remington, including a nifty, unused touch oiler (there's even a spare cork for the oil bottle) and other tools and brushes. The workshop remains an Aladdin's cave of forgotten typewriter treasures, even after all these years.

Plus this Monarch typewriter oil bottle:


Bill G said...

Those are some wonderful treasures. I'm guessing that your workshop is just as wonderful — what a place it must be.

Jo Mercer said...

I fix up old sewing machines, and because of that, I often receive gifts of assorted stuff people have cleaned out of their recently deceased grandma's sewing room.

Today's box of goodies included this very "touch oiler" tool, but no accoutrements.

I learned to type on an old black crinkle finished anchor of an Underwood, but I've never seen or heard of this tool before.

When were these made?