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Sunday, 10 March 2013

First Australian Type-In

Take a bow Scott Kernaghan for first suggesting then organising Australia's first Type-In, held at the Breakfast Creek Pub in Brisbane, Queensland, from 2-5pm today. What a wonderful, memorable time was had by all:
From left, Scott, Rino, John and Margaret Lavery,  Yours Truly, Louise, Kate, Steve
John with his Visigraph
Scott's chrome Royal with the flash new keyboard
Steve Snow
Steve's blue Corona 4
Steve admires his silver Remington
Steve's Smith Premier 10
Rino Breebaart
Scott Kernaghan
John and Margaret Lavery came from Beaudesert
 John's Royal 5
John and Margaret with Scott's friend Jane
John's Bijou cheque writer
Irresistibly drawn by typewriters
I shall resume the Typewriter Odyssey Diary tomorrow, with more photos from the Type-In plus images of two more "new" typewriters, a mystery German keyboard machine and a Noiseless portable.


Rob Bowker said...

Great photos and what a line-up. I hope you all had a fantastic time! Chrome envy over Scott's Royal!

Bill M said...

Wonderful photos. It looks like everyone had a great time. The long bar or counter top you were able to use added quite a nice complement to the event. I think that arrangement allowed better viewing of the typewriters than if they were scattered about.

The building is a very uniquely attractive place. I'd love to be able to visit it sometime.

I so envy Scott with that wonderful chrome Royal. Is it Vogue type face?

Congratulations to all!

Peter said...

Looks like it was a great meeting! I love the chrome Royal!

Richard P said...

This looks perfect. Interesting people, interesting typewriters, and I'm sure that together they created interesting words.

I'm inspired to try to get my Visigraph into perfect working order. They are great typewriters.

Tony Mindling said...

I love the art deco font - someone mentioned "Vogue" - used for the keys on Scott's Royal. I've a Royal portable of the same vintage that needs refurbishing of its yellowed keys (as well as everything else), and would like to hear about the process he used to refurbish his keys.

Thanks for providing us all with the vicarious pleasure of attending what looks like a fun event via your great blog.

I love the shot of the Corona next to the Corona!


Raivo said...

Royal 5 is just breathtaking and look at those ribbon spools...

Dwayne F. said...

Gorgeous machines! I also love the custom keyboard on the chrome Royal. It is a great combination.

I enjoy seeing photos of so many Typosphere personalities. Thanks for sharing!

Ted said...

Looks like a fantastic time! I've added this report to, looking forward to more from our brethren from the land of Oz. (:

Steve Snow said...

Great documentation of both the solid and liquid varieties of Corona!

mcget said...

Good lord, what a venue for the event! The building itself had some type-writer-like qualities. Very nice array of machines, from stock models to that chrome beauty.

Australia has just raised the type-bar, so to speak, for these events.

cheers, phillytyper