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Wednesday 27 February 2013

Typewriter Presentation: "A Curiosity-Breeding Little Joker"

Tonight I gave another talk about - what else? Typewriters! To be more precise, "A Curiosity-Breeding Little Joker: Mark Twain and the Early Typewriter". This one was for the Book Editors' Society and was held at the Emeritus Faculty, Australian National University, Acton, Canberra:
The mock S&G was there to show the audience what Twain's looked like - approximately. Plus the USB Underwood (its typing appearing on a big screen for the first time). Plus the bits and pieces of an Olivetti Lettera 22.
There to be used ...
This young chap, Cameron (not an editor, but the son of an editor), took home as a gift my "Curiosity-Breeding Little Joker" of an Underwood, since he showed so much interest in how typewriters work. And he also typed so well with it.


Richard P said...

Looks like fun. Quite a range of typewriters there, from a (mock) Sholes & Glidden to a 21st-century Olympia.

Rob Bowker said...

Certainly does look like fun. It would be interesting to read your feedback forms! It looks like you got a new scalp for the typosphere too.