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Tuesday 1 April 2014

Normal Service Has Been Resumed

I apologise for the break in transmission.
The cause of the trouble? This contentious post on the Visigraph-Federal.
But that's all behind us now.
Upcoming posts will include:
All aboard as we take a ride back to the bowels of the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney, to see some of its rare typewriters.
For instance, what unusual model of a turn-of-the-century typewriter lurks within this battered case? Clue: Paul Robert won one of these on eBay some years ago, yet remained very curious about it; I also believe the late Tilman Elster owned one. 
And what little treasure might be inside this one?
We try to get to the bottom of the mystery of this old beast ...
And work out what's going on with this keyboard ...
And this one ...
¿And this one.
Actually, this last one might take a while to solve, because I still don't know the answer myself.
But I do know what these are. Do you?:
And why is this so important to Australian typewriter history?
Hold your hats, Oztypewriter is back!
Meanwhile, this real beauty is for sale. See eBay No 281298977160.


Scott K said...

So glad to see you back, Rob! This is a very welcome return.

Robert Messenger said...

Thank you Scott!

Anonymous said...

Phew! Welcome back!

Rob Bowker said...

Good to have you back on air. The Underwood deserves the best price - it looks mint, and Corona-ish gold panels really set it apart from the run of the mil finishes.

Robert Messenger said...

Thank you Steve and Rob. Nice to be back.

Bill M said...

Very good to have you back!
There will be many happy Typosphereians once again!

Thank you Robert. I really missed your blog.

That is one beautiful Underwood and I am in the midst of no more money for machines since I plan moving.

Unknown said...

Many felt a great disturbance in the typosphere ... Your return was very much needed in order to resume normal operations. Thank you!

Scott K said...

So..... Their S&G is missing a key. I do like the case on the Royalite.

That's interesting about that reverse question mark. I've only seen those on Spanish keyboards before.

And.... you found a dynamo for the .... (refrains from blowing the surprise)! But for reference, I've taken a photo of one of the machines that connects to. I even tried to type on it.

I had spotted your eBay sales last night. Best of luck.

Robert Messenger said...

Sadly, I think there are two keys missing from the old Rem. The Royalite, of course, is no ordinary Royalite.
The Powerhouse is on the hunt for both the Traeger transmitting machine and the "typewriter" that go with this - if you know where one or both of these can be found, please let me (or them) know. ScienceWorks has the "typewriter".

JP H. said...

Very glad to see this back Robert...

schrijfmachine said...

Good to see you're back. Look forward to a post about the Sholes Visible!

Piotr Trumpiel said...

It is so good to see you back! Tremors in the Typosphere went round the world...
Can't wait to read about your new discoveries.

Steve Snow said...

Aha. Order has been restored to this world.

An Antiquarian said...

Very glad you're back!

Spiderwebz said...

You gave us a good scare there Robert! Good to have you back.

Erik said...

I'll add my "welcome back!" And I'm with Rob - that Underwood is a stunner.

Unknown said...

Wow, oh WOW!

So, so glad the shaking has stopped! It was an earth shattering moment when you went off the air! I can only hope all has been resolved. ;o)

Welcome back Robert, we missed you!

You are truly one of the greats, and quite possibly the most connected person in the Typosphere...

May the next leg of your journey run smooth!

Can't wait to see what else you may discover!

It's with joy I (and many others, I'm sure ;) read your fabulous writings!

(You haven't heard much about me, but I hope to communicate with you more in the near future!)

May your days be cheery and bright!

Warmly, Gigi :)

Miguel Chávez said...

Nice to see Oz.Typewriter back! And the new entries look fantastic!

Moroz said...

Welcome back Robert! Much happy to see your blog online again!