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Thursday 26 July 2012

Farewell My Lovely (Corona 3 Typewriter)

Going but never to be forgotten, as Richard Polt might say on the "My Own Collection" section of his Classic Typewriter Page website.
Before it left the house, I thought I'd better get some images of this Corona 3 for posterity. And having got it working so nicely, one last typecast as well:


Miguel Chávez said...

That by far the typewriter I like the most. It is indeed a beauty!

michaeliany said...

Looks like you did a great job cleaning it as well as repairing it. What a generous gift!

Scott K said...

Very nice Robert.

I take it you have more than just 1 Corona though? Lovely to see they are out there - being appreciated.

Blossom inch said...

I wish I am your workmate, how nice to receive such beauty from you. I am totally desperate to look for one typewriter like this in black, steel and glass keys. TOTALLY BEAUTIFUL CORONA! I am sure your friend is happy receiving it.

notagain said...

It's a very nice unit and a wonderful gift. Hope they treasure it.