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Friday 17 January 2014

How To Type Like A Man: The Typewriter as a 'Manly Tool for Conjuring New Worlds'

As Richard Polt wrote in his ETCetera review of Canadian cultural critic Darren Wershler-Henry's 2005 book The Iron Whim (download a PDF of the September 2007 issue with the review here), this "Fragmented History of Typewriting" had "gotten some attention".
The widespread attention included this "Short Cuts" piece from Thomas Jones, editor of the London Review of Books blog, in the hard copy LRB issue of May 10, 2007. Online, Jones headed the piece, "How to Type like a Man".
Darren Wershler-Henry

Richard pointed to another review, "The Typing Life: How writers used to write", by Joan Acocella in The New Yorker magazine of April 9, 2007:
The New York Times headed its review of The Iron Whim, by Joshua Glenn, "Prison Made of Type":

A preview of the The Iron Whim can be seen here. It can be bought online from Cornell University Press here or from Amazon here.


Vikram said...

I got this book as a gift a couple years ago; it's interesting, but I didn't care much for the 'fragmented' style. Still, a good book to have.

Martin A. Rice, Jr. said...

I'm in partial agreement with Vikram. Alan Seaver lent me a copy a few years ago. I found it so bad it was painful to read. I couldn't finish it and gave it away. I'd rather read Hemingway ... that tells you something.