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Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Sketches of Journalists and their Typewriters

Above and below: The Press, by William Papas (1964)

Above and below: Fleet Street (1966)

Neil Lade (self-portrait), The Canberra Times (1975)

Above and below: Fleet Street (1966)

Ink On My Fingers, F.W.G.Miller (1967)

 Michael Leunig

Guess which one best represents me?


Tony Mindling said...

I couldn't say which best matches you, Robert, but my wife would delight in connecting the first one with my obsession. Wonderful images, great fun, thanks for posting!

Erik said...

It HAS to be the Tom Wisdom portrait.

Richard P said...

These are great!

I thought there was a certain resemblance to Tom Wisdom, even before I saw Erik's comment.

Pravin Zende said...

Nice work