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Thursday 3 January 2013

Typewriter Stamps, Envelopes, Postcard: Please Write

Now that Richard Polt at Writing Ball and typewriter ephemera collector Peter Weil have provided the typewriter letter paper, here are the typewriter stamps and a choice of typewriter envelopes (already stamped). And if the envelope doesn't work for you, there's the option of a typewriter postcard. So please, click on any of the images, print out, cut out and write (using a typewriter, of course): 


shordzi said...

Thanks a lot. What a great postal service.

Richard P said...

Neat items, thanks.

Nasty little anti-secretary limerick!

Richard Stamps Photography said...

This post is informative for me and all other readers.RH Stamps

Training to be a Life Coach said...

Good stuff. It is interesting to read comments.